Monday, 30 November 2015

Starting up... and the Norton Jubilee AMAL 375 carburettor

Well folks... cycle parts are now back together... a few problems but nothing serious:

1. Footpegs are loose on their fittings- they are a strange fitting that is neither taper nor spline, its a sort of multifaceted stud that fits into a hole in the peg with similar profile. The trouble is any wear in the facets allows the peg to move slightly fore and aft (in the bike's direction) and this play can't be eliminated by tightening the nuts. It needs some form of packing to tighten up the fit or perhaps some weld to build up the low spots again coupled with refiling to restore the profile... but this seems a tricky job. I will probably see if I can find anything to pack the joint, metal exhaust tape perhaps?
2. The exhaust header pipe seemed a little loose in the head. This can be fixed (surprisingly ) using bathroom silicone sealant ... I am told- and I'm assured that it doesn't burn. However in the same vein I found a Copper-containing high temp silicone gasket maker from V-tech- just made for these applications!

The exhaust went in easily and sealed perfectly.

OK... moment of truth. The PO had started the bike for me when I collected it- it started reluctantly but it did start. It didn't run for long though but I was satisfied that at least everything was place- and I was buying it as a bike-with-a-problem anyway. He had also pointed out that it was smokey- at least on starting.

Well after a good tickle the bike started gratifyingly on first kick- however it wouldn't run-on. I found that the air slide had to be fully in to get running at all and the throttle needed constant blipping to keep it running. There was also the occasional spitting back through the carb. What was worse- as the running went on the motor got smokier and smokier. I also found that the kick start began to "slip" and cycled without compression- I'm not sure why but currently I favour clutch slip. The clutch centre turns and the rear wheel does turn when the bike is in gear even when these slippage events occur which suggests that the clutch outer is also turning... but I cant confirm this or tell if the motor is turning without compression or just not turning...? Need to check but unfortunately I cant kick it and make the observations at the same time so a bit of help would be useful. Perhaps the primary chain case is overfilled?- Try the simple solutions first!

Well I had always suspected that the valves and/or guides needed attention, I suspect the increase in smoke is telling me the same thing as the oil gets pumped up to the rockers in greater quantity as the new stuff works its way around the system. I checked oil return and it was flowing very nicely into the oil tank. One slight problem though- my bike has no dipstick and oil level isn't visible so it might even be a little over-filled which would also perhaps contribute to the smoke?

The requirement for full choke was at odds though, burning oil should richen the mixture and then full choke could lead to smoking from poorly burnt petrol as well! However spitting back is usually an indication of weakness- so even full choke is apparently too weak??? This requirement for full choke and the failure to run on I have seen before. I had virtually the same symptoms on my Triumph TR6 650 and then it was a classic blocked pilot jet in the carb. Although I do not think by any means that this is the Jubilee's only problem, a carb strip down and clean seems like a good idea so that was the next step. Sadly my camera charge expired soon after starting so some of these pictures are mock-ups taken after the fact.

Removing the Carburettor

Removing the carb should have been easy... just undo the top retaining ring and lift off the top complete with throttle slide and choke still attached to their cables. Then undo the two nuts on the carb body mounting flange, and slip the rest of the carb back from the motor and off the studs...

Well that was the theory!!  Unfortunately Norton have thought of that and carefully manufactured the bike so that the clearances are just too small! The backward clearance behind the carb is just less than the amount required for the flange to clear the studs, whilst the top clearance is just inadequate to remove the carb top and slides! These are only a little bit smaller than required but enough to turn a simple process into a swearing nightmare! Well removing the tank isn't a big deal but its a step that shouldn't be necessary- anyway top clearance solved. Rear clearance- well the frame cladding is in the way and removing that would be a real bother for a quick job so I managed eventually to finagle the carb off and out around the studs with a little swearing and relatively little collateral damage to the frame cover- I'm going to repaint eventually anyway! I think if I can shorten these two studs by about 3mm each I shouldn't have this problem again. (later investigation showed this isn't possible unless the nuts are thinned as well and this could result in insufficient thread to hold the flange)

the offending studs

Carb top, cables and sliders removed.

Carburettor strip:
In my book carburation is a black art; After many years thinking about them I have a sort-of understanding of what's what- but as each carb differs, I always have to work it out again from first principles. There will be a large element of "sucking eggs" for the more experienced reader- but its the process I go through to work out whats what and how it should be put together... So Apologies, feel free to skip!!

Carb as removed; Parts from the bottom- main jet retaining cover and nut, Pilot jet cover (right),Throttle stop screw (centre); carb body or jet block retaining screw (small black), Pilot air screw (far right)

Carb as removed. Parts from bottom: Main jet cover nut (base), main jet holder nut (larger immediately below float chamber), three float chamber cover retaining screws, tickler (centre), banjo fuel inlet (right)

To help with their carbs, Amal made (maybe still make?) this handy spanner. It fits pretty much all of their nuts although you cant use it on all of them because of geometrical constraints on access. Still if you have this (few quid on eBay) and a 1/8 and 5/16 WW spanner you should be fine! However having said that my carb had an aluminium bell mouth fitted. I simply couldn't unscrew that as it was locked onto its threads and there isn't anything firm or graspable to grab and turn. I left it for later when it did in fact come off after cleaning.

The first job was to unscrew the banjo-retaining nut and lift off the fuel inlet and filter beneath. Obviously this should be clean but finding muck here boded well for my blocked pilot jet  theory!
Removing the banjo union- fule filter beneath. Fuel arrives around the external periphery of this filter and is strained as it passes centrally and down into the carb. Muck here traqpped by filter clearly visible

Unscrew the three float camber cover screws and lift off the float chamber cover. This had been sealed with what I think is red Hermetite--- I haven't seen that stuff in ages! Anyway this had made the screws quite stiff where it had got down into the threads so a good clean was necessary. This gasket sealer can also get detached and could also block up a jet or two... so also good for my theory I think!
Screws out- hermetite in threads visible. Bell mouth resolutely still attached!

Brass bush removed- note base of needle valve behind. Note hermetite

needle in position
float lifts out
Once the cover is off remove the float and the small brass spacer on top. I don't think its possible to refit the float backwards but the spacer could be wrong so note that its on top of the float when the cover is removed. Remove the float and shake it to see if there's any liquid inside- this one was dry! If the float is leaking then it can be re-soldered, but its probably as easy to replace it with an ethanol-safe stay-up version from Burlen.
Old style plastic needle
Having removed the float, pick out the needle from the inlet needle valve seat in the top of the chamber. This one is the original all-plastic needle; these can fail over time so there is now a viton-tipped needle available that's thought to be better- I will definitely replace this part. Check the bottom of the chamber for sediment-this leads directly from the bottom of the chamber to the main jet so muck here has good access to the narrow spaces in the carb and jets. I found a small amount of very fine sediment here.
Sediment in bottom of float chamber, note red Hermetite that needs cleaning off before refitting the cover.

Remove the main jet assembly. I unscrewed the larger of the two base nuts which retains the whole jet assembly in the carb. This came off with its washer and could then be disassembled by gripping the base nut in a vice and screwing the main jet holder out of the body with the spanner.
unscrewing jet assembly via large nut

jet assembly removed

hold base (cover) nut in vice and unscrew jet holder body
Unscrew needle jet from top of holder- main jet from base.

Once the main jet holder is out then the main jet can be unscrewed from the base and the needle jet from the top. Check everything for blockage. I have found some shockers- but not in this case, all the jets and holes in the jet holder were nice and clear. There was a small amount of crud in the lower threads of the main jet holder, and some inside the main jet cover nut but I doubt that this had been causing a problem. 

Inside jet holder, crud in threads.

The next step is to remove the pilot jet cover and its washer -you will need to 1/8WW spanner for that. The cover comes off to reveal the pilot jet itself which simply unscrews.
1/8 w to remove pilot jet cover. The jet underneath just screws out.

I next removed the two spring-loaded screws, the throttle stop (larger) and the pilot air control screw. I usually screw these in fully counting the turns before I then remove them completely so I have a guide to returning them to their approximate positions.
Remove spring loaded screws having noted their position, also remove jet block retaining screw

Next I removed the jet block screw completely and it was then possible to remove the jet block. According to the protocols, this should simply ease out with finger pressure- no such luck. I had to invert the carb and gently tap the block out with a soft metal (aluminium) drift. The block came free with its base washer present (this is really important; I had hoped that it might be missing to give a nice explanation!). The jet block showed signs of blackening through backfire, but its drillings were clear.

"Ease" jet block out... finger pressure?

I didn't want to remove the tickler or needle valve seat as I couldn't see any problem with either of those so this was about the limit of my dismantling. The next step was to clean everything thoroughly. At this stage I cleaned using an aerosol of carb cleaner with the extension pipe to get into all the openings. I couldn't really say that I found anything to give great concern, yes I had found a little sediment here and there but no jets were blocked and all the holes seemed clear. Its also necessary to clean out the drillings in the carb body. This is a little more tricky. You can use the carb cleaner and you will get an obvious blast of spray emerging from any openings that any particular drilling communicates with. The problem is that its not always apparent how many openings should communicate with any given passage- and if one is completely blocked you might therefore miss it. Sometimes you can get an idea of where they go by looking at the carb body, the course of an internal passage in the body can often be traced by following the tubular bulge in the casting onward from any particular opening. I am particularly interested in the pilot jet which should communicate to several other drillings and to understand how many and where to find them I needed to know a bit more about how the pilot system works. There is  great account of how the carb works on the Hitchcock's site but its heavy going. Try clicking on :  and then select "How it works and part names". I have taken the following diagram from that site and added my own explanation which I hope will be a little clearer- although possibly not entirely right!
Operation of Pilot Jet
1. Fuel flows up a 45 degree channel (10) from the float chamber fuel pool which flows through and surrounds the main jet assembly. The channel opens just above the base of the jet block to reach the base of the pilot jet (9). As this is below the fuel height in the float chamber there should always be a pool of petrol here.
2. Even when the throttle is closed, air can still enter the carb body via the primary air channel (35) which opens through one of two holes just below the main air intake on the back of the carb. This channel communicates with the space surrounding the needle inside the jet block. From here it can pass through the horizontal channel (31) in the jet block just above the needle jet, past the pilot air adjusting screw (not shown in this diagram) which regulates the flow, to communicate with the top of the pilot jet. This means that air can always reach to top of the pilot jet and fuel can always reach the bottom. However unless there is anywhere for the air to emerge this wouldn't achieve anything.
To allow the air/fuel mix to emerge into the carburettor throat (and thence to the motor) there are two small holes drilled from the carb throat that communicate with the primary air channel (pilot air system passages). The first is the Pilot jet main outlet (7) situated directly above the pilot jet, and the second is termed the pilot jet bypass (8) and is positioned in the jet block under the throttle slide.

The system works as the motor turns and sucks on the carb, pulling in air. If the throttle is closed then air can't enter easily through the throat as this path is blocked by the lowered throttle slide (5), and so this suction acts mainly on the two drillings inside the carb throat. As the throttle  is closed the second opening (8, the bypass) is relatively shielded by the throttle slide itself, so the whole suction effect of the descending piston acts to pull air out of the pilot jet outlet. This pulls air into the carb through the primary air channel, forcing it to flow along that channel, past the adjusting screw and over and around the top of the pilot jet, and then up, out of the carb body and into the throat through the main pilot outlet (7). As this air is sucked over and around the pilot jet, the fuel is also sucked, through the jet, atomised by the holes and openings in the jet and mixed with the air. It is this fuel air mixture that emerges through the main pilot jet outlet into the carb throat downstream of the throttle slide. From here it can flow onwards to burn in the motor even when the throttle is fully closed. As the throttle is opened, more air is drawn into the motor past the throttle slide itself meaning that the suction experienced at the pilot outlet hole (7) is decreased. However, the throttle slide cant take over and supply all the air/fuel required all at once, so there is a second drilling (8, pilot jet bypass) situated directly under the throttle slide (and actually part of the jet block), that adds fuel/air via the pilot system at low throttle openings before the slide moves up far enough to supply the motor entirely by itself.

1. Mixing Chamber 2. Mixing Chamber cap
3. Carburetter Body
4. Jet Needle Clip
5. Throttle Valve
6. Jet Needle
7. Pilot Outlet
8. Pilot by-pass
9. Pilot Jet
10. Petrol feed to pilot jet
11. Pilot Jet Cover Nut
12. Main Jet Cover
13. Main Jet
14. Jet Holder
15. Needle Jet
16. Jet Block
17. Air Valve
18. Mixing Chamber Cap Spring

19. Cable Adjuster (Air)
20. Cable Adjuster (Throttle)
21. Tickler
22. Banjo Bolt
23. Banjo
24. Filter Gauze
25. Needle Seating
26. Needle
27. Float
28. Side Cover Screws
29. Pilot Air Adjusting Screw
30. Throttle Adjusting Screw
31. Air to Pilot Jet
32. Feed Holes in Pilot Jet
33. Bleed Holes in Needle Jet
34. Primary Air Choke
35. Primary Air Passage
36. Throttle valve Cutaway

The upshot of this is that for correct pilot jet function,  squirting carb cleaner into the hole from which the pilot jet has been removed should show 4 outlets; it should flow downwards and out of the fuel inlet drilling, inwards to emerge from the air intake hole and upwards to emerge out of both outlet and bypass holes (note if the jet block has been removed, it will just squirt horizontally out of the air passage into the throttle chamber). In my case I could see it emerge from the fuel and air intakes and from the main pilot jet outlet,  and into the throttle space as above since I had removed the jet block which contains the 90 degree bend and bypass drilling... well I wasn't looking for that at the time! However nothing seemed to be blocked so no explanation here. Of course it is necessary for the openings in the jet block to align with those in the carb body or airflow will be interrupted and given the tightness of this block then perhaps it was jammed in, and out of alignment? I will need to check this and the remaining pilot bypass drilling when I get back into the workshop. 

In the meantime I put all the components into a sonicating bath to clean at 65 degrees. I know this doesn't work very well as I have only a low power sonication bath more suited to jewellery than engineering (!) but hopefully it will loosen up anything I couldn't clear by blasting through with carb cleaner. I should then be able to flush the system out with  the water/detergent mix in the cleaner and a dropper pipette. Incidentally if you do find a blocked passage or jet the advice is to clean it with a blast of air... good luck with that! When this stuff crystallizes in the carb its quite granular and pretty hard. You can buy a set of carb cleaning wires but frankly I think the high "E" string from a guitar is pretty much perfect... its smaller than most jets and a single poke will shift virtually anything- its also flexible enough to get around many of the drillings in the carb body. However, don't scrub or rotate it as this will definitely enlarge the jets!

So-- back in the workshop... After a good clean and dry- I did find something that might be interpreted as muck in both the pilot jet and the bypass hole, although  neither were by any means actually blocked. Then its reassembly time. To be honest I don't think I found nearly enough dirt in the carb to account for the running behaviour but I won't know until I test it. For reassembly I bought the 375 gasket set from NOC. Its cheaper than the set from Burlen but I wouldn't get it again. Although the fibre washers are fine, the gaskets and paper washers didn't fit well. It was hard to get the jet block base washer on without tearing and the screw holes didn't line up properly in the float chamber gasket. The gasket tore when I tired to enlarge them and I had to cut a new one out of some nitrile rubber sheet which fits much better. I cleaned the threads of the three cover screws by chasing with a 2BA die nut.
Cleaned parts ready for reassembly

NOC gasket kit 375 plus new needle valves
New paper gasket on base of jet block

Jet block installed- checked alignment of air intake holes to air passages in the body

Jet block in place (from above)

Inserted pilot jet and then pilot jet cover with new fibre washer

Inserting control screws- this one the pilot air regulator

Needle valves compared- old valve on right is all plastic, new valve has viton tip

Needle valve, float and brass bush installed.

Main jet assembly rebuilt and new fibre washer

New fibre washer under banjo union nut, black nitrile gasket to float chamber lid.

I fitted new fibre washers under the main jet assembly, pilot jet cover nut and banjo bolt- and a new paper washer under the jet block. The block was checked carefully to make sure that the pilot jet bypass (which exits through the block) was clear, and that the air passage holes in the block lined up with those in the carb body by poking the plastic tube from the carb cleaner can through to check for access. Having ensured it was fully seated I refitted the retaining screw. The banjo filter on my carb had the integrated flange and so doesn't need the bottom washer seen in earlier versions.
I refitted the air and throttle stop screws having cleaned their threads. (Screw fully "in" and then "out" 1.5 turns as a good starting point if you have no data from their original positions).

The NOC kit doesn't include a new "O" ring for the intake flange; although mine seems in good condition I would prefer to change it as this can be a cause of a weak mixture and the spitting back I had noticed before. I will see whether any I have will fit although most of mine are metric and this will be an imperial size... Note added later- a R23 O ring fitted perfectly!

Finally, I detached the intake trumpet which was loosened by sonication and cleaned its threads. I will apply copper grease here to prevent it seizing again when I reassemble, but I wont refit until the carb is on to try and get a little more clearance for refitting.

Carb refitted... you can get more clearance if you remove the banjo housing and filter, its then just possible to wiggle the carb in. My frame covers have been pop-riveted into place so I am suspicious that the covers on this bike aren't original... they have a suspicious look of the  "home made" about them! Unfortunately I have no comparison as they are missing from the red bike but I'll try to find some pictures online.

Given the possibility of muck in the carb from last time I fitted an additional in-line fuel filter to make doubly sure that this can't happen again.

Well dear reader- you have probably guessed that the work above has made not a jot of difference to the bike's running... in fact if anything it runs less well now than it did but at I am now certain that the problem isn't the carburation.

I was able to show that the pistons were still moving up, even when the engine seemed to have lost so much compression it felt like clutch slip! There was also a nasty black deposit on top of the pistons and nasty black stuff on the plugs. Finally I did a compression test- dry I got 40 and 70 psi, and wet both shot up to over 140 psi!! The initial figures are so low this does suggest that there is something horribly amiss inside this motor and the increase on adding oil suggests that this is largely bore/piston wear. A full strip is now essential and almost certainly  a rebore or barrel swap as well as the top end overhaul I had anticipated.

Thursday, 26 November 2015

Headlight Nacelle... and a bit about electrics...

This part of the blog is mainly a record for me to use in the rebuild- but it also includes a bit about the wiring I found and what I did to sort some of the problems.. of which there were many, but mainly just untidy and insecure joints. The wiring in the bike has clearly been greatly mucked about with and several parts of the nacelle/headlight mount were missing, its possible that the whole loom has been changed for a pattern type with different wire colours but as its inconsistent, I think its more likely to have just been modified "like Topsy".. Anyway-here we have it...
Headlamp held on with tape, rim loose on glass unit.

Reason for the tape: No lamp fixing clamp

Bulb connection doesn't fasten to rear of lam, it just falls off
I managed to bend the securing tabs on the bulb connector and this enabled it to grip the rear of the light unit securely. I also ordered some Lucas wire bulb clips LU500291. These simply clip to the chrome rim and clamp the light unit and rim together. Very simple fix but very satisfying!

Bulb holder and wire clips installed- much better!

In order to continue with the fork strip I had to remove the second fork top cover which means that the nacelle will need to be disconnected. I will take this opportunity to install a grommet to the bottom cable entry. Firstly I removed the speedo cable. Its then necessary to disconnect all wires that pass into the nacelle- starting with the 3 wires that serve the headlight connector

Headlight unit- three wires 2 red (new- should be brown) and a new green/blue earth going to 2 black and yellow- the yellow wire is really "translucent" in Norton parlance but has oxidised and yellowed. Translucent generally used for Earth wires. On this bike much had been replaced with red from the battery and under the saddle- not a bad choice for a positive earth bike, but here in the nacelle red has been used for the power feeds to the headlamps- and the green/blue is the earth... now does that sound to you that its likely to lead to confusion at all... ? 

Switch connection- removed at right nut- brown and black wires, ring connector.- choc box domestic wiring connector to be removed. Note ammeter held in by a jubilee clip around the base... Not sure how it should be held as this type of meter has only two posts- both terminals! The clip mounting posts are absent so it was likely to have always been a push fit. This one is siliconed in around the bezel as well.

Double bullet connector, brown/black to brown
Single bullet brown to clear- this wire was thinner than usual and the bullet didn't fit; it pulled off rather than coming out of the connector. The wire will need to be replaced later once I have worked out where this new wire actually goes, For the time being I have crimped a new bullet made for thinner cable. This was reconnected and the contact broken at the lower point as shown below.

Bullet connector- black to black and clear (thin wire with new bullet) to brown, I'm sure these wires should be changing in gauge
Non std Lucar connector pulled off instead of disconnecting.. I replaced it with a red insulated crimp terminals (bullet style) making a green to green wire connection. Note the wire-weaving macrame  of non-std red wires at the rear!

New grommet installed.

New headlight clamp installed at bottom of nacelle. Green black and green blue wires never used by Norton.
Well a bit of a nightmare but in the end it all went back together quite easily. I like wiring to be neat, but here its clearly a lost cause! The photo records weren't perfect but very useful nonetheless. I found that there were quite a few taped connections under the saddle where the loom had been greatly abused in the past- and a lot of non-standard wire installed. I spent an enjoyable couple of hours re-soldering those joints that were meant to be permanent (covering them in heat shrink NOT insulating tape which leads over time to a disgusting sticky goo!) and fitting new bullets to those connections that should be detachable. Owing to the abuse this poor loom has suffered in the past there didn't seem to be much point in trying to keep it standard so I just used modern coloured crimped terminals rather than the correct bullet style. They don't look right but should be fine until I strip and replace the loom completely (if I ever do....). There were several places where the loom had either been shortened or was never long enough  in the first place! In those I fitted extension wires via soldered joints using the same colour of wire.

I also replaced the rear light assembly (cracked lens and butchered mounts!)

New backplate in position- a repro sadly but all the originals I have are cracked

... and ordered a new 6V3W bulb for the speedo light. I did wonder about using the 6V4W sidelight bulb that I already had for this; its a std BA9 fitting so it did fit and work, but the glass part was a bit too high to fit easily into the speedo clip without fouling the nacelle case. Interestingly this light was formerly intended to shine through the two "warning lights" visible in the earlier smaller nacelle. I don't think this told you anything other than the ignition is "on" as the speedo light was on permanently - whenever the ignition was turned on that is... and thus the bulb was  subject to frequent blowing... These warning lights were deleted in 1961 when this type of larger nacelle was fitted with a WIPAC 7 inch light.... Strangely I still have a speedo light, its possible this speedo isn't the original- mileage is off anyway,  so I will check whether it illuminates all the time or only when the lights are on.
Speedo clip to receive instrument panel bulb - awkward or what??? Viewed from below the bulb holder clips into this spring clip and just shines through a slot in the side of the speedo- bit primitive.

Interestingly during my poking around I discovered that the bike has a rectifier but apparently no regulator. Instead there is a resistance wire (coated in heat resistant sheath) that is usually switched in to drop the charging voltage during normal use. It's switched out if the starting switch is set to "Emergency" giving maximum alternator output to the system for starting if the battery is weak... its almost as if they expected this to happen a lot....?
Rectifier mounted behind carb via one bolt which...
... also serves as the main earth connection for the battery positive terminal on the other side- in this case red wire replaces the stock translucent/colourless earth wire. This seems a strange place as a good backfire could melt the flex??
Anyway, this seems to be a primitive system which I would guess isn't very kind to batteries so I will see if there is an upgrade to a modern reg/rect 6V pos earth. I know these are available for the BSA C15 as I have fitted one in the past, but they are expensive and it might be more cost effective to upgrade to 12V if this is possible- must check the forum. I found this excellent article on upgrading these lightweights... I will probably do this when I rebuild/rewire/repaint.
 In the meantime I reconnected the resistance wire by soldering it onto the loom- it doesn't take solder well- either because of its composition or condition, but I cleaned it and wound the loom copper wire around it to get a good contact before soldering. Even so this was an awkward connection. I must investigate whether there should be a screw terminal for this connection?
This was originally an unholy mash of 4 wires embedded in poor solder. I separated these and connected a red lead to the resistance wire covering in heat-shrink. This allows the resistance lead to rejoin the loom  wire at a new bullet (2 wires inserted) whilst the other part of the bullet connects to  the earth  contact at the rear of the rectifier.

I also contacted the club about the odd square facets to the nacelle mounts and they sent me this diagram of the original Wipac mounting system...

1 is a chromed, gently domed headed bolt, 2 is a washer and 3 is a dished washer (hollow underneath) to accommodate the tangs of the nut cage.

The square cutout in the nacelle is supposed to receive a caged nut (currently believed to be 5/16 BSF). Although bolts and the odd washer are still available from the club, the nuts aren't. I did however discover that something very similar is still supplied for the Morris minor so I ordered a couple from ESM Minor spares ( - part numbers FIX207 (sq nut) and FIX207C (cage). They seem to be fine except the retaining tangs are too long and will need to be cut down. This nut is also made to be fitted behind the surface with the tangs holding it- the nut isn't held in the cage so I think some more modifications will be needed.
New cage nut- the tangs will need shortening to just grip the nacelle and the two side walls will need to be nipped in to hold the nut- possibly best to weld it here.
... Well sadly this didn't prove to be a direct replacement for the original part - partly because its a little bigger but mainly because it lacks the in-built clips that fix the original to the nacelle shell. However it can be used because the thread is a perfect match and with a little effort it can be made to resemble the original fitting. If you don't want to do that just weld the tangs onto the inside of the nacelle and use a blob of weld to retain the nut in the cage.

However I did the following- its crude and could certainly be done more neatly, but this is what I did. The new fitting is a little larger than the original; although the nut will pass through the square cut-out in the nacelle the cage will not. This isn’t a bad thing but it means a little modification is needed.

Firstly I reduced the sides of the nut cage by about 2mm each. In retrospect this may not have been needed but I had expected it to be required to allow the nut to sit snugly against the nacelle shell.
Cage held in vice, I cut appx 2 mm off the sides using a disc cutter

At this stage its an excellent idea to fit the nut and use a vice to squeeze the newly shortened sides against it, thus fixing it in position. A blob of weld on the sides will also help. I did this at a later stage but with the wonder of hindsight I now appreciate it would have been better done at this stage.!  

starting to straighten the longer tangs, use a vice to start them hammer them flat.

Tangs straightened to form two prongs

Next straighten the longer tangs to give two protruding “prongs” and see if these will poke through the nacelle cut-out. I found that they were a little too large both in width (ie across the tang) and in breadth (ie between the tangs across the nut). I opted to reduce the size of the tangs by about 1mm so that they would slide easily through the cut-out. However they wouldn’t slide all the way in as the cage was larger than the hole and so belled the prongs apart as the nut was pushed further into the recess. To solve this I filed the two opposite sides of the square cut-out enlarging the hole by about 1mm in the horizontal direction. Note I didn’t file the top and bottom sides to deal with the tang width issue (above) because I wanted at least one dimension to remain as standard in case I ever come across two of the original nut cages!
Tangs reduced in width now slip easily through the nacelle cut-out whilst the filing in the forward/aft sides allows the cage to sit against the nacelle on the inside.
 Next the prongs were inserted through the cut-out and bent over by hand to hold the cage in the cut-out. I could then flatten then all the way by hammering them flat from the outside against a dolly held inside the nacelle.
Fold the tangs over gripping the nacelle and flatten by hammering against a dolly
 Finally I could reduce the size of the folded over tang to approximately that of the original clip by using a cut-off disc taking care not to cut into the nacelle itself.  If desired add a spot or tack weld to hold the cage in place from the inside of the nacelle- I did its invisible and lends more confidence that the light isn't going to drop off at speed!
Cut off the excess tang material so that the hollow washer will cover the flaps as it does the spring clips on the original.
covering with hollow washer- it will all look OK if/when I repaint....
Original cage installed on another bike for comparison
Was it worth it.... The Jury is out!

Whilst looking at the nacelle I noticed that the sealing ring under the speedo is badly perished.. and there wasn't one under the ammeter at all!

Speedo sealing ring badly perished and...
Nothing under ammeter at all- just siliconed in!- Its held beneath with a jubilee clip round the body
Rear of ammeter-loose fit with jubilee clip- initial pic before I changed some of these junctions.
I didn't need to remove the speedo- it was easily loosened by partially unscrewing the nut on the clamp underneath (hidden behind the yellow wire in the picture above). I could then lift it far enough up, out of the nacelle to remove and swap the gasket.

Old Gasket- really not doing very much

New speedo and ammeter gaskets from eBay

New Gasket installed... much better!
I refitted the ammeter with a new gasket (from the same supplier) and cut a section of silicone pipe to wrap the meter in from below. I could then push the jubilee clip over the pipe wrapping and squash it up against the inside of the nacelle, tightening the clip to hold it in place. This provided a more positive location for the ammeter  and looked better than the silicone.

Well it may not look that pretty.. but its all back together, its firm and wont drop out, doesn't depend on tape and everything works!

New gaskets under speedo and ammeter